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Did you know that the humble staff locker can play a role in getting back to business as usual after COVID-19? Things move quickly in COVID-19 time and the focus of our national conversation has now moved from shutting down society and isolating at home to reopening and getting back to business.

As our state and federal governments start to wind back social distancing measures and encourage the resumption of our economy, there are steps that business managers and facility managers can take to promote a safe return to the workplace for their staff.

One simple yet highly effective way to promote safety and good hygiene in your workplace is by reducing the number of items that enter the workplace from outside environments by installing business lockers or staff lockers.

When a locker is more than just a locker

More than just a place to safely store valuables, lockers provide a hygienic safety barrier between the outside world and your workplace. Think of all the busy public environments that your team members may pass through as they commute from their home to the office. That may include public transport and busy public spaces such as bus stops, train stations, cafes or shopping centres, to name a few.

Any person or physical object they interact with may result in them picking up a bug or infection, be it a common cold or something more severe, such as COVID-19, which they may then introduce into your workplace.

By placing storage lockers or office lockers near the entrance to your workplace you will create a critical safety buffer between the external environment and the internal workspace that your team members operate in while at work.

Lockers for sale: Choosing your new lockers

The right locker solution for you will depend on your specific industry and the type of facility your team operates in. Consider your work environment and the storage requirements of your staff, which will help you to find office lockers that are both aesthetically pleasing and practically adaptable.

Our team can visit your workplace and provide guidance on the best solution for your particular needs, which may range from business lockers or staff lockers to office lockers, mini lockers with combination lock, stacking lockable lockers, or storage lockers.

We can work with your interior designer, facility manager, or architect to design a custom locker solution that is practical and delivers on your design vision. All our lockers are designed with an emphasis on quality to ensure they can withstand constant use in any workplace environment.



Tips for where to place your lockers

We have been in business for a long time and have extensive experience working with the education, government, manufacturing and commercial sectors. There are a few things that need to be considered when thinking about where in your office or facility to place your staff lockers.

You want them to be away from high traffic areas such as work stations and areas that your staff continuously occupy throughout their working day. Yet you also want to provide easy access for your staff. We suggest placing your staff lockers in your foyer, reception, or in a staff room if you have one.


When you choose Premier Lockers for a locker solution for your workplace, our team will visit your workplace and help you to identify the best location for your new business lockers. From our wide range of quality lockers, we will then recommend the best locker solution that:

  • fits into the space available;
  • seamlessly blends in with its surrounds; and
  • provides enough space for your staff to store their belongings

Our recommendation may even include a custom design to ensure that we deliver exactly what your business needs.

Are you considering lockers for your workplace?

Post-COVID-19, hygienic practices will remain a key part of our national conversation, and the importance of ensuring the safety and health and wellbeing of those under your care in the workplace will remain.

By simply placing lockers near the entrance to your facility and asking that your employees place all non-essential items that they don’t need frequent access to in the lockers as they enter the workplace, you’ll be creating an important safety buffer for your people.

And in doing so you will be helping to promote a safe return to the workplace as we navigate our way out of COVID-19 restrictions, freeing up your staff to focus on doing what they do best for you.

Premier Lockers is Australia’s leader in quality lockers. Whether looking for something off the shelf or a custom design, we can help you with an on time and on budget solution. View our range of staff lockers for sale now, or call 0800 146 199 to find out how we can help you.